The color oracle test
The color oracle test

the color oracle test

  • Color Oracle is a desktop application for simulating color impairment on your entire screen.
  • Color Contrast Analyzer is a desktop application for contrast checking that also simulates different forms of color impairment.
  • Color Safe is a guide for choosing colors that meet WCAG contrast thresholds.
  • the color oracle test

    Snook’s color contrast analyzer lets you adjust RGB and HSV values and reports contrast compliance interactively.WebAIM color contrast checker compares two hex colors and tells you whether they meet WCAG AA and AAA contrast thresholds.You will also find on this website another horoscope interpretation by the same author which is based on astrology and psychology, the “Color Horoscope” by Johannes Schneider.


    Since the representation of the colors is dependent on the color fidelity of the display screen in use, slight deviations in color may nonetheless occur, and Astrodienst has no control over this.Until further notice the Color Oracle will be offered to visitors free of charge. The method of color selection is also identical. He first published his findings on these effects under the name “Color-O-Scope” which included 25 small colored wooden plaques for use in selecting the colors.The online version available here utilizes the same hues as the original product. During several decades of research and practice, he investigated the effect of color on the psyche. The Color Oracle This Color Oracle is a psychological color test developed by the Swiss astrologer and art instructor Johannes Schneider. With this belief, you create a comfortable position for yourself and stand in the way of improving your circumstances. You find this all the more frustrating because you basically believe that someone who plays an important role in your life is to be blamed for your unfortunate situation. You are in an unpleasant situation that hinders you from doing the things that are in line with your inclinations and needs. Astrodienst also has on offer his “Color Horoscope”– the delineation of the birth chart in combination with psychological color interpretation. Take in the texts, and let them work on you, even those you may find somewhat uncomfortable or provocative.The Color Oracle is a psychological color test developed by the Swiss art instructor, therapist and astrologer Johannes Schneider. As it is the case when laying tarot cards, it is inadvisable to repeat the color test too often because otherwise, the quality of the interpretation quickly fades. In the case of some colors, you will find an additional question or suggestion which can help you deal with a subject area in more depth.Keep in mind that your unconscious plays a major role in the selection of the colors.

    the color oracle test

    Read the interpretive texts for your selections in the following paragraphs. You have selected the colors that you currently find most pleasing and most unpleasing. If you’re interested in the test, take it before you check my results here:

    The color oracle test